



 Dear international students:


 In order to cultivate and motivate excellent international students, and exert the educational value of good examples, our university will evaluate individual scholarship for international students in 2023-2024 according to the spirit of Management Measures of International Students Scholarship of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and other documents. The relevant details are notified as follows: 

一、奖励项目 Award Category

二、基本条件 Basic Requirements


 Respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity; Respect Chinese national customs and respect teachers;


 Abiding by the laws and regulations of China and rules of the university; Be on the straight and have no violations of law and discipline;  


 Studying hard and diligently, with excellent academic performance;

三、附加条件 Additional Requirements


 “Academic ZUEL” Scholarship for Research Innovation

申请对象为我校攻读学历学位的国际学生个人或团队,申请对象需提交本人或团队在我校前一学年度取得的科研成果,可以是已发表的论文、专著或其他成果。每项成果只能被认定一次,如果成果由 2 人及以上我校在读国际学生共同完成,按团队进行申请,不得由个人重复申请。

Application is open to international students individuals or teams studying for a degree in zuel. Applicants should submit their research achievements, which can be published papers, monographs or other achievements, achieved by themselves or their teams in the previous academic year in the university. Each achievement can only be recognized once. If the achievement is jointly accomplished by 2 or more international students studying in our university, the application will be made in team, and the application cannot be repeated by individuals. 


 “Literary ZUEL” Scholarship for Chinese Learning


Application is open to international students who are enrolled in a Chinese language course at the university or who have studied Chinese on their own in the previous semester and have achieved a certain level of success. 


 “Honorable ZUEL” Scholarship for Practical Activities


Application is open to individuals or teams of international students studying at the university. Applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria:


Actively participate in various activities, competitions and contests at all levels and achieve excellent results. 


Actively participate in China’s social volunteering work and have a certain social influence. 


Actively participate in the international dissemination of Chinese culture and Chinese stories, and generate a certain influence. 


Actively contribute to the development of the university’s enrollment of foreign students and achieve outstanding results. 


Other special contributions or advanced deeds. 

四、申请材料 Application Materials


 Application Form for Individual Scholarships of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law International Student (Annex1). 


 Supporting materials, such as scientific research achievements, award certificates, activity certificates, HSK certificate, etc. All submissions must be obtained between September 30, 2023 and September 30, 2024.

五、评审程序 Review Process


 The application of international students. 


 The International Education school conducts the qualification review and determines the preliminary selection list. 


 Publicize the results of the selection. 


 Issuing certificates and awarding. 

六、时间节点 Deadline


 Eligible international students who wish to apply for the scholarship are requested to submit the electronic version of the “Application Form for Individual Scholarships of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law ” and relevant supporting materials to the email: 3027347768@qq.com  before 17:00 p.m. on October 22, 2024. The email should be named: XX (name of individual scholarship Category) + passport name.


 International Education School

 Zhongnan University of Economics and Law


 September 15th, 2024



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