Apply For Chinese Government Scholarship Extension (Chinese Government Scholarship PhD students only)
根据《中国政府奖学金工作管理办法》有关要求,2024 年奖学金资助期限延长的评审工作将于 2024 年4月17日至5月15日展开,具体通知如下:
In accordance with the relative requirement of “Measures for Management of Chinese Government Scholarship”, the scholarship review in 2024 for applying scholarship extension will be carried out from April 17th to May 15th, 2024.Here are the details for scholarship extension review arrangement.
1. 申请要求 Application Requirements
对于个别学习态度认真、表现良好、因特殊原因不能按期完成学业且未被派遣国 列入 2024/2025 年度奖学金计划的博士研究生,可向国家留学基金委申请延长奖 学金学习期限。学生须通过本学年奖学金年度评审、完成开题报告、通过研究课 题中期考核及等培养要求。延期申请仅限一次,最长不超过一年。(已申请过 CSC 博士延期的学生,请申请自费延期。)
For several PhD students who study hard, have good performance, but fail to complete the study with special reasons, and the scholarship accepting institution cannot add it into the scholarship plan for the new academic year, they can apply to the CSC to extend the scholarship period. Applicants should pass the annual scholarship review of this year and meet the training requirement as completing the proposal report and pass the mid-term assessment of the research projects. Theapplication for extension is limited to one time and with the maximum of one year.(Students who have applied for the CSC scholarship extension before should not apply again, they can only apply for self-funded Extension.)
2. 申请流程 Application Process
1)登录中国政府奖学金来华留学管理信息系统,进入“博士生延期申请”模块,点击“新增”按钮,填写相关信息后保存并提交提交在线申请(具体操作步骤参阅《中国政府奖学金博士生延期操作指南》附件 1)。
Login to studyinchina.csc.edu.cn, then enter scholarship extension application module, click the add button, fill in relevant information, save and submit (please refer to Appendix1: <the guideline of CSC doctoral extension application> ).
2)下载填写《中国政府奖学金生博士生延长奖学金期限申请表》(附件 2),通过导师和所在专业学院审批。
Download the Appendix 2: and fill in carefully. Ask your supervisors to write their opinions and get a stamp from major school.
3. 注意Notice
为确保每个学生的权益,我们建议所有预计 2025 年 1 月前毕业并符合申请延期条件的博士生提交公费延期申请,如果顺利毕业,延期申请将自动作废。
To ensure the rights and interests of each student, we recommend that all doctoral students who are expected to graduate
before January 2025 and meet the requirements above submit their application for scholarship extension. If they graduate
successfully, the extension application will automatically be invalidated.
二、 自费申请延长学习期限 Apply for self-funded Extension(Undergraduates/Postgraduates)
1. 2024 年申请自费延期的国际学生,请下载并填写《自费学习延期申请表》(附件 3)、《自费延期告知书》(附件 4)。
International Students who cannot graduate on time and want to apply for self-funded extension,please download two forms attached and fill in carefully.
Appendix3: <The Application Form for Self-funded Extension>
Appendix4:<Notice on the extension of international students self-fund>.
* 自费延期申请表需要通过导师和所在专业学院审批。
*The Application Form comprises of opinions from your supervisors and major
schools. The applicant need to ask your supervisors to write their opinions and get a stamp from major school..
* 自费延期告知书需自行填写预计总费用并签名。
*The Notice Form needs you to fill in the Estimated Expense by yourself.
三、申请截止时间 The DEADLINE for Application
公、自费延期申请截止时间均为 2024 年 5 月15日。如未在上述时间内完成申请者作自动放弃延期申请处理。
The deadline for both applications is May 15th, 2024. Those who fail to submit the application before deadline will be considered as a waiver.
四、接收申请办公室 Contact Office
学生请将申请交至文澴楼东 614 办公室。
Students currently in China should submit the application documents to Wenhuan Building (East) Office 614.
五、申请结果 The Result of Application
The results of the extension application and relevant documents will be posted on the official website of the school and the WeChat Official Account by the International Education School after the feedback of China Scholarship Council is received.
Appendix 1 中国政府奖学金博士延期操作指南.pdf
Appendix 2 中国政府奖学金生博士生延长奖学金期限申请表.docx