

Safety Notice for Mid-autumn Day Holiday

一、放假安排 Holiday Duration

 2018922日—924日   Sep.22nd to Sep.24th

 925日正常上课       Class begins on Sep.25th

二、离校前应注意的事项   Tips for Leaving School


Keep your private things and lock your closet and chest. Don’t leave your cash and precious things including mobile phonelaptop or jewelry in dorm. Do not put your things in the public space of the dorm building.


The students who plan to travel and go back should make sure that water tap\electricity\door\windows are turned off. Pay attention to traffic safety.


Tips for Living Here


Drinking in dorm and bars is forbidden. Don’t make noise in dorm and keep a good life habit. The gate of our dormitory is closed at 11:00pm.


Some visitors will come here in the holiday. Please care about your safety including body safety/dorm safety/fire safety/things safety and prevent to be stolen\rob\deceived.


The visitors should not live here. Get on well with your classmate and if meet some problems, please call the office in time.


We forbid any students to swim in Changjiang river\Hanjiang river\East Lake\South Lake and some natural lakes. The one who wants to swim should go to the public swimming pool. Take care when swimming.

5、外出往返中如遇到意外,请及时联系辅导员;若发现紧急情况或可疑人员,请及时与公安机关或学校保卫部联系。报警电话:匪警、火警、交通事故三警合一110 ,学校保卫部027-88386110

If any emergency happens, please call our teacher. In case of emergency, please dial the alarm number 110 or 027-88386110.


At last, enjoy your vacation!


                                                           IES 204


  • 国际教育学院
  • 港澳台教育中心