




1、 外出注意安全,避开危险。

2、 严禁储存和燃放烟花爆竹。

3、 外出关好门窗、水电。

4、 使用公用厨房注意安全。

5、 禁止在宿舍使用大功率电器。

6、 禁止驾驶摩托车、黄牌电动车和超标电动车。

7、 严禁涉毒,禁止酗酒,晚上尽早返回宿舍。

8、 在外用餐注意食品卫生,保管好自己的财物。

9、 外出不要携带大量现金,旅行时请注意个人财产安全。




紧急情况报警电话:027-88386110 (校内); 110 (校外);

火警电话:119; 急救电话:120


The summer holiday (July 14-August 31 ) is coming, please pay attention to the following:

1. When traveling, please do not go to dangerous places so as to avoid the occurrence of an unfortunate accident.

2. It is strictly prohibited to store and set off fireworks in order to ensure safety.

3. When leaving the dormitory switch off power, close windows and doors.

4. Be careful when using kitchen.

5. Usage of high-powered electrical appliances in student rooms are prohibited.

6. All motorcycles with yellow licensed plates would be banned from the road.

7. It is strictly prohibited to use drugs and abuse alcohol. Do not return too late at night.

8. Choose nice and clean restaurants; Keep an eye on your belongings.

9. Do not carry a lot of cash on your person. When traveling, please keep track of your belongings.

10. Please do not use high-powered speakers so as to avoid disturbing others. If we get frequent complaints, we will offer a warning and inform the embassy.

11. Please pay attention to personal health and hygiene and beware of infectious diseases.

12. It is forbidden to keep a guest overnight in the dormitory and visitors need to register with valid documents.

In case of emergency, keep in mind the following numbers:     

Police call: 110, Univ. police: 027-88386110,

Fire call: 119Emergency Call: 120



NOTICEThe school opening day is 1st September,2018please return to school and sign on time.


At last, enjoy your summer vacation!





  • 国际教育学院
  • 港澳台教育中心