

Belt and Road Chinese Government Intellectual Property Law English master Scholarship program

at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law




Program Introduction:

The intellectual property law English master program at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law was supported by Intellectual Property Office of the PR China (SIPO) and Chinese Ministry of Education,as well as the Belt and Road Chinese Government IPR Scholarship Program.

The program bases on the excellent teachers and teaching platform in Intellectual Property School and Law School. The learning experience will be further enhanced and inspired by contributions from the involvement of specialized judges and practitioners experienced in the field. All the courses will be implemented in English language, in modular teaching and in way that close to practice. The world-class researchers and experts in Intellectual Property will gather here to provide high-quality courses. Graduates of the Program can work for domestic and foreign governments, judicial institutions or enterprises that having intellectual property business etc., especially the departments and international organizations engaging in foreign business in Intellectual property.


Duration of Study:2 years (among which the course duration is 1 year at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and the rest time is for practical training, thesis writing and online defense in student’s country. Students who complete all training program will be obtained the Master Degree in Law and Diploma of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;





In China


In student’s   country


1年:1st Year

- 课程学习Courses

2年:2nd Year:

- 毕业论文写作及答辩

- Thesis writing and defense

- 实习

- Internship


- 通过培养方案中全部课程

- Complete all the courses

- 通过毕业论文答辩

- Complete the   thesis defense

- 公开发表1篇以上论文(学术期刊或学术会议)

- Published more than 1 paper   (academic journals or academic conference)


Graduation Certificate

- 获得中南财经政法大学颁发的学位证书Master Degree in Law of Zhongnan University of   Economics and Law

- 获得中南财经政法大学颁发的毕业证书Diploma of Zhongnan University of   Economics and Law




●免第一年住宿费:即为该项目中国政府奖学金生提供第一年的免费宿舍或发放住宿费补贴的费用。按学校规定在校内住宿的,由学校提供免费宿舍,一般为双人间;经学校批准,选择校外住宿的,可按月或季度获得学校发放的住宿费。标准为: 700元人民币/




Full Scholarship covers

2 years Tuition waiver. It may cover scholarship students’ education, administration costs and expenditures to support student activities.

Accommodation: 1st year free university dormitory or accommodation subsidy.

If the university requires students to live on campus, the university will accommodate the scholarship students in a university dormitory usually a twin room; if the university permits students to live off campus, the university will provide monthly/quarterly accommodation subsidy: master’s students: CNY 700 per month;

1st year Stipend:

Master’s students: CNY 3,000 per month;

Within the scholarship duration, registered scholarship students will receive a stipend from university each month. Students registering on or before the 15th of the month will receive a full stipend of that month. Those who register after the 15th of the month will receive a half stipend of that month. Graduating students will receive stipend until half month after the graduation date. If registered student stays out of China for more than 15 days due to a personal reason school holidays excluded, his stipend will be stopped during his leaving.

Comprehensive medical insurance in China.

Please visit http://www.csc.edu.cn/laihuaorhttp://www.campuschina.organd refer to Comprehensive Insurance & Protection Scheme for Foreigners Staying in Chinafor insurance policy.



1. 《中国政府奖学金申请表》(请打印两份)请登录中国留学基金委来华留学网站(http://www.csc.edu.cn/Laihua/或者http://www.campuschina.org)填写表格,打印申请表,粘贴照片并签名。(该项奖学金的受理机构代码为0022)(填表说明见附件)


2. 护照的个人信息页复印件(至2018930日仍有效)。

3. 奖学金个人陈述



4. 经公证的最高级教育的学历证明、毕业证书或学位证书的复印件和英文翻译件。


5. 英语语言证明;

6. 两位副教授或相应职称以上的学者的推荐信原件(需写明推荐人的联系方式);


Application documents requirementhardcopy

1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship.(Print two copies). Applicants should log in the following website to complete the application online, print and sign it with photo in duplicate. (Agency No.0022)

http://www.csc.edu.cn/Laihua/ or http://www.campuschina.org

2. A photocopy of personal information page of the passport, and it should be valid until Sep. 30. 2018

3. Personal Statement. The content should include application reasons, family financial condition, education and work experience and personal award and strong points etc. At least 1500 words in English;

4. Notarized photocopies of highest diploma and graduate certificate attached with English translations.

5. Proof of English proficiency

6. Reference letters


Note: In addition to the above application materials, the International Education School of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law may require applicant to provide supplementary materials, depending on the circumstances. Application documents will not be returned.






Application deadline: June 20th2018

Result release time

The application results will be posted on the International Education School website at the end of June 2018.



1. 奖学金获得者须按照学校规定的时间办理报到、注册手续。未经批准而逾期不报到者,按自动放弃学籍处理,所获得的奖学金资格亦自动取消。保留入学资格者,不保留所获得的奖学金资格。

2. 奖学金获得者须按规定参加奖学金年度评审。不参加评审或者评审不合格者,将被中止或者取消其享受奖学金的资格。

3. 奖学金获得者不得变更学习专业及学习期限


1. Scholarship students should go to Zhongnan University of Economics and Law to register on the date stipulated by the university. Students who have not received permission and arrive late for this process will have their Scholarship status automatically cancelled. Students who have kept the admission and will not register in the fall semester 2018 will have their scholarship status cancelled.

2. Scholarship students MUST participate in annual scholarship evaluation. Scholarship holders who fail to meet the requirements will have their scholarship cancelled.

3. Scholarship students could not change their major or study period in principle.








箱:E-mail: admissions@zuel.edu.cn


Address: International Education School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

182# Nanhu Avenue, East Lake High-tech Development Zone, Wuhan City, Hubei Province P.R.China, 430073

Contact person:  Miss. Zhu Miss. Yang

Tel: 0086-27-88387760

E-mail: admissions@zuel.edu.cn

Webpage: http://ies.zuel.edu.cn



  • 国际教育学院
  • 港澳台教育中心